I was BEAT. I was running on something like 3 hours of sleep. I had to get up early and pick up my gift. I had it in mind forever, but I hadn’t had the time to go and get it. Work has been nuts, family was in from out of town…ANYWAY. I got to Sandy with 20 minutes to spare. I went to Jim’s Family Restaurant for a breakfast for one. Karl hates breakfast these days, mostly because they are so sugary and carby. I enjoyed a big breakfast.
I arrived at the party. To this adorable sign that Kelly’s dad made for the occasion.
I saw the sign and immediately asked Kelley if they had decided on a new middle name. The answer, no. They are still set on McKarthy for his middle name. Which Kelley mentioned. Apparently people in the older generation make a lot of Communist jokes when they hear it. I like it, with reference to the the author.
Now mom, the picture you have been waiting for:

Kelly is getting really cute! Look at that glow.
Now, I did mention that eat a bunch before I arrived.
But the food at the party was really great. Cake bites, that were filled with cookie dough and covered in chocolate, Waldorf sandwiches, tiny cupcakes, and a great raspberry lemonade that Cameron apparently made.
We filled out hope cards for Sloan, then on to the gifts.
Kelly was excited.
Another profile picture.
Lots of Kelly’s friends were there. Lots of her mom’s tennis buddies, and friends from when they lived in Park City.
LOTS of presents.
Mom, she loved your gifts.
My gift.
A cute gift made by Kelly’s aunt.
The funniest gift on the party.
The gift that I want.
I am so happy for Cameron and Kelly, and I am so happy and excited to finally meet my little nephew SLOAN!!!