We never seem to have enough time together, so I just look forward to the time that someday we will.
One evening while they were here we all went over to Grandma Denny’s house to hang out and open Christmas presents. Poor Grandma had been sick and in the hospital all the days up to that during their visit so it was so wonderful to be together in her home.
Here are more pictures of Dad hanging out and talking to Mirah. I love seeing them together. They both seem really happy.

Grandpa holding up his new Christmas present from my mom.
(Side note: The day after this visit Grandpa went to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy! He was apparently having some pretty bad stomach pains when this picture was taken poor guy. Love you Grandpa! Here’s to a speedy recovery!)
Mom and her lovely sister Janet. These two are so silly together.
Janet kept trying to give my mom bunny ears.
Sisters. *sigh*
Grandma and Grandpa were very generous with their Christmas gifts. Mirah especially liked hers!
On their last day in Utah, Mom and Dad came and spent the better part of the afternoon and evening at my place. Rent was due that day, so I was SUPER busy with work, I think that dad was getting a little board. No worries, I knew how to cure that!

Mirah and her Grandpa.

Chelsea. I don’t know why she was covering her face.
There is a picture of me and my dad doing this when I was about Mirah’s age. Full disclosure, this was posed BUT, it doesn’t make it any less adorable!
Until Mirah put Dad’s shoe in her mouth, then it was a little less cute.
Mom and Dad left early the next morning. It was really great to have them. Miss them already. Love you Mom and Dad!