Also, this Christmas break has my mom and dad rolling into town!
They arrived on Friday, and it has been SO great to have them here.
We all went out to Zupa’s for lunch on Saturday, then headed over to see sweet Grandma Denny in the hospital. It was really sad to have her in the hospital, but as usual she was so wonderful and upbeat about everything. I know she will be out soon!
After our visit, we ended up going over the Cam and Kelly’s place and just chatted. Mom and dad also brought some gifts for everyone, and we had a little impromptu Christmas morning.
Here is Mirah at Cameron and Kelly’s. Not too sure about Luther.
Next, we all headed over to SLC’s new:
It was amazing, I can’t wait until Provo has one!
We parted way with the family at that point, they went to go shoe shopping, while we headed home and to dinner!
We went to Curry Fried Chicken.
Karl had been going on ALL day about this place. He was so happy while we waited.
Lots of stuff to see…
Mirah was especially interested in the TV:
Then the food arrived. Shwarma on the left, fried curry chicken on the right.
SO Good!
Tonight, mom, dad and Belle came over for dinner.
It was really great just to be together.
Mirah loved her grandpa.
and her grandma.