Mirah, dressed and ready to go!
We piled into our tiny Honda and headed up the canyon.
The weather was just so perfect, we had to keep the windows rolled down!
Chelsea looking so glamourous!!
My friend Alicia gave me the green chair!!! It kind of fits into the car…shifting was less than simple.
Mirah loves the wind.
Especially when it means she can get a handful of Belle’s hair.
She is really into grabbing hair right now. It is a good thing mine is short right now.
We drove up south fork, where the fall colors were mostly gone.
I had this idea about putting the chair on this bridge…
It was only marginally successful.
The light was a little harsh.

We moved into this little grove of trees, and found some much softer light, with pretty colored leaves.

New pose, new setting on the camera.
Karl got this idea that it might be cool to have leaves in the foreground:
One of my favorites.
We then tried some shots of Mirah.
She was stuggling to stay sitting up. She has been doing really great at sitting up on her own for the past week, so wit thought we would try her out….
It ended with letting go of her on the above shot, and her FACE planting into the leaves. Like snow, that in my mind seems like it should always be soft, this thick bead of leaves had sticks and rocks under it. Mirah was REALLY sad and hurt.
When I saw the bump forming on her forehead and the little scrap on her cheek, I started crying too.

We attempted to sooth her. She loves to be thrown int he air.
It worked momentarily, so we tried to give her something.
Leaves, she loved to hold the leaves.
Chelsea waited on patiently, was we tired to settle her down.
But she just couldn’t get calm…my poor little sweet heart.
You can see the bump on her head, and the little scraps on her face here pretty clearly.
She seemed to be calming down after we gave her a pacifier…but no.
So, we finally pulled out the big guns. By guns I mean boobs, it was really funny nursing in a chair in the woods.
This really did help her settle down.
We walked around and looked for some more places to shoot.
We went near the water.
Chelsea walked around to get a pic across the water.
Another one of my favorites.
I love these. Mirah’s little eyes are so wide and clear here.
Thie moment was reacreated. She was doing this on her own, but we missed the shot. So, you can see my thumb in the bottom of the shot. I will crop it out later…
The light in this little grove was so great, we tired again, one last time here.
Your favorite is my favorite but they are all fantastic pictures.
What a beautiful day and a beautiful little girl and a beautiful family. I love and miss you all. I love the picture of Mirah crying and mama kissing her better. A mom's kiss sure can cure so many ills.