Oh my gosh, isn’t she amazing!
She wasn’t very sure of what to do with it at first.
She mostly just let it run down her front. Thank heavens for this little bib. Thanks MOM!
Then she tried to suck her thumb.
Then she did this amazing face that looks EXACTLY like a pic of my brother Cameron when he was eating in his high chair as a baby! Mom, can you email it to me???
Watch her in action!!!
Flash forward a few days, and Mirah is becoming an old pro, and we are already getting too lazy to use a bib. 🙂 In my defense, we were planning on a bath…after she made such a huge mess.
Well, like all things Mirah does, she is so cute, and I had to take a million pictures of her.
I like to think she likes her some rice cereal.
Then again, maybe she wasn’t so into it.
Then she tried to help by using her little hands. Little Brodder…
She seems to be saying…”Mom and Dad, why are you doing this to me?”
It was a mess anyway you slice it.
We gave her the much earned bath, and she went right to sleep. My mom suggested this method, and it really seems to help our little love bug stay asleep through the night. It just seems like everything got everywhere but her tummy, but we shall see. FINGERS CROSSED.
Oh my gosh, she's so cute! Hopefully she'll get more in her mouth. Remember this: http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=10150272492974270&set=a.499662379269.278294.549324269&type=3&theater
It gets better 🙂