We headed over to the Riverwoods for this awesome event!
Mirah was still a little sleepy, but still super cute.

The event was called Chalk the Block!

It was really cool, they filled the sidewalks with farmers market like booths, and sold boxes of chalk for the kids to play with:
But this was not the chalk that we came to see…
They blocked off the south east parking lot, and each parking space was a canvas for each artist. Professional, amateurs, and kids all joined in.
It was pretty spectacular. All of these images had been drawn over the past couple of days.


Some people copied images from books.
Others drew what they were passionate about. (Krystin)
This artist did a bunch of different images, each one really cool!
They were some of our favorite images:
Mirah of course was super into it.
I was just super into Mirah.
We walked around, enjoyed the evening, then went to Macaroni Grill for dinner, then headed home.
Great event! The Riverwoods was packed! And we were pooped!
That looks like you had a bunch of fun! Mirah as always was a beauty to behold. I understand why you are so into her.
What amazing pictures! Did you purposely find pictures by Allison, Chelsea and Kristin? What talented girls and what great names. I'm glad that you two take advantage of fun events like this.
What amazing pictures! Did you purposely find pictures by Allison, Chelsea and Kristin? What talented girls and what great names. I'm glad that you two take advantage of fun events like this.
DONT BLINK. seriously.