It is always so much fun when Karl gets work off. Sleeping in on a Monday morning together is always special!
Another special thing: We took Mirah on her first ever bike ride!!!
We biked around the neighborhood, to the park, on the path, and then to the store. We got stuff at the store for a picnic.
We headed up the canyon. Then up South Fork:

The fall colors were getting started. The day was warm and sunny though.
This place is one of my favorite parts of Provo. It always makes me think of my mom.

You see that little speck:
Thats Karl. The park was super busy, but we were still able to find a little scheduled table with a grill for our BBQ.
Some very special little cuties were the cutest part of the outing.

Asher and Betsy didn’t seem to mind the wait!
Karl was our grill master!
BBQ and Lemon chicken.
Asher and Nick scampered down to the river that was just feet from our tabel.

We got some fun candid family pictures!
After all of Karl’s hard work:
Lunch was served!
Fresh zucchini and yellow squash from the garden!
Nick said, “this is a perfect smore”
Curtesy of the lovely miss Betsy!
Nick made a double decker banana boat!
Asher and Judah had their first smores!
We cleaned up, and put the coals out,
Then headed out tot he grass to play a little.
Mirah woke up, with little marks on her face from the straps on her stroller.
Mirah’s first time laying in grass.
She loved it. It was so comfortable.
Mirah and me, giggling together!
…took one more look at the scenery…
and headed home.
We went to Nitsy’s and ordered pizza for dinner.
Wow! What a perfect day in the canyon! I am green with envy. I spent the day hanging out in the 108 degree humidity sweating to death. I was more than a little bugged about staying in "Hell" Centro for the day.