Mom and Mirah…

Bart and Belle

It was soooo great to have Cam and Kelley over!
And her are a million pictures of them:

Karl changed
Leah posed with butterscotch kitty
And we headed over to the party!
We had pulled pork sandwiches. Betsy made her AMAZING and totally devoured mac and cheese bakes. Did I mention that it was completely gone within like 20 minutes? Thanks Bets!!
Grandma Hite getting some final holding in before they had to leave.
Mom, Grandma Pipkin holding the sleeping baby.
Then the Pipkin family photo shoot began.
from youngest to oldest.
A funny one!
Bart and Belle, doing a high school dance pose.
Leah looking amazing.
finally, a photo shoot by her aunt Maila.
Thanks Malia, these are great pictures!
Thanks for everyone who came to support us!
Thanks to Nick and Betsy for letting us use their house.
Thanks to Betsy for taking care of so much!
Thanks to Malia, I know you helped a ton!
We have the best friends and family!