I don’t think that she was so sure about the bonnet.
Here she is with her dad.

Mirah and Me!

I took a bunch of these from Maryn’s facebook. 🙂
The group walking to church. Something to note, thisis the last time we would walk to the 10th ward. It was our last Sunday in the ward. I was released that Sunday. Also, they FINALLY split our huge ward.

Karl and baby.
Cam and Kelly.
Bart, Belle, and Krystin.
We all got to church like 20 minutes early, and still barley had enough room for everyone!
I will name everyone in the picture, it was awesome.
Cameron, Brandon, Grandpa Hite, Great Grandpa Barney, Bishop Bergess, and Nick in the circle. Karl gave the blessing, it was wonderful, and perfect. I am so greatful that Mirah was born in the covenant, that her father holds the priesthood and that I am a mother of such a great little girl.
The Karl S. Hite Family.
The group:
Top: Grandpa O Pat Barney, Nick Reddoch, Malia Hite, Leah Pipkin, Brandon Pipkin, Josh Sumateia, Bart Jolley, Benji Sumateia, Chelsea Pipkin, Zeke Fraizer, Kevin Fraizer, Tia Fraizer. Bottom: Asher Reddoch, Grandpa Jim Hite, Grandma Lynelle Hite, Great Grandma Barney, Besty Reddoch, Judah Reddoch, Karl Hite, Allison Hite, Mirah Hite, Krystin Pipkin, Maryn Pipkin, Kelsey Rock, Kelly Pipkin, Julie Sumateia, Grandma Wendy Pipkin, Cameron Pipkin.
Grandpa R Marcus Pipkin, although in California at the time, was there with us in spirit.
The Pipkin Family. Minus poor ol’ dad.
We would have done one with the Hites too, but they had to go back to the house and get it all ready for everyone.
THANK YOU BETSY!!! Malia too! Thanks for hosting and being so amazing! LOVE YOU!!!
They the pictures really began!
Maryn and Cameron.
Saying hello to Great Grandma Barney. Mirah is her 46th great grand child!
Branny and Maryn!

Krysta, me, and Mirah!
I am SO glad Krysta is back in town!! Let the fun begin!!!
Grandma and Grandpa Barney, Grandma and Grandpa Hite
The Lovely Kelsey Rock, representing her family!
Kevin and…
Tia and Zeke Frazier.
Our new neighbors!
Betsy and Judah!
Little Asher could not be contained!
Even by Grandpa Barney.
Me Maryn and Mirah. Mirah was asleep here…
Then she started to wake up!
Once this red red photo occured, she was AWAKE, and not wanting to pose for any more photos.
This one above is my favorite.
I like this one blow a lot too.
Krystin and that hair!
The ever reverent Brandon found a little kids bike, and took a ride.
It looks smaller, and funnier from this angle.
Then there is Leah, the animal, and it turns out bug whisperer.
Brandon looking amazing.
The lovely Leah.
Branny looking…ominous?
Hite family photo shoot.
While we took picutres on our walk home, the rest of the group was waiting on our front porch.
Once we got in, Mom and Maryn changed little Mirah out of her blessing dress.