Whatever the spelling, it broke my heart. She had seemed so well, so to find her like this, was just too much.
They had given her a sticker tag, and she had little IV’s all over her.
That first trip to the NICU almost killed me.

Friday morning, I got up and took a shower.
I felt a little better.
I put on my makeup, and everything.
Then I was in the NICU, and that was over.
No C pap, and they didn’t have to intubate her, thankfully.
Isn’t she amazing?
They had to giver her a feeding tube.
The needed to test her for meningitis, which apparently can be a side effect of Group B strep. The test is a spinal tap. More tears. She was found negative however, and that was a relief.
Mom and dad arrived. It took a couple of days, but they allowed mom to hold her first.

This was about the time that they had me start pumping. I pumped at her bedside. It helped my milk come in.

She was looking a little jaundiced.
Her fingernails looked like vampire claws.
Still, she was amazing.
More visitors rolled in:
Krysta came.
Karl and Mirah took their first Sunday nap together.
Her legs wouldn’t stay swaddled
The bedside vigil was exhausting. We were sleeping at the hospital at that point. We were doing exclusive breast feeding, so I needed to be near by. It did mean that they could remove her feeding tube, which was awesome. BUT it left us totally spent.
My view.
She grew stronger and stronger.
Wow… you guys are troopers. She is beautiful. You must be so proud!
i'm glad she was able to be taken care of so well. she looks sooo beautiful. i'm so happy for you all!