The day had finally come. After months of hard work and preparation, but person’s other than me, it was tame for:
Grandpa O. Pat and Grandma Betty Barney
The theme of this Reunion, BABIES!
Our First little star on the rise is none other than, Adalyn Anderson.
I am both holding her and taking this picture. She even fell asleep while I was holding her.
Then she woke up, and ate, and fell asleep again. Oh to be a 3 month old.
The many faces of this little bundle of cuteness.
Adalyn and her lovely mother Nicole.
Talon was already in Missouri. That’s were he will be going to pre med grad school. I worry we will not be seeing each other much in the years to come. There are plans to Visit in October, when they come to Logan.
Then of course there was Baby Asher, the Great.
Here he is with Uncle Larry, looking amazing. He got a full spread in my last post, so…more on him later.
Then of course there is the lovely Baby Judah.
The pics below took three adults to arrange. Judah was an amazing little model.
He took some time to relax and suck on Auntie Malia’s thumb.
Here they all are, sleeping.

Look at their little toes.
Also, I want to take this moment to say, Baby Ethan, was sleeping in the church while all these pics were taken. More on him later.
The Mesa Family Barney’s were there. Kathy, Uncle Larry, Becky, Aunt Sandy, and Micha!
Here was Chase and his new Fiance, Yeon Mi Kim. They are getting married on August 13th. We will be in NY, so we won’t be able to make it. They were really cute.
Dustin, stating water fights. Uncle Greg, who I oddly do not have any photo’s of was the grill master and Pinata king, also added Water gun conqueror.
Karl and Zach played Magic the Gathering, only when they are together. There was a wee little freak out when water guns came to close.
Oh, yes we were there too.
Melanie, one of my Favorite Hicken’s was the first to greet us when we arrived. She told me all about how she is living in a trailer on Bear Lake for the summer. Working at a resort up there.
So awesome!
There were a ton of little children there that I had never even see before. Also Pinatas.
Rachel and…this cousin who I never met ran the Skits this year.
As Nick is directing film now, I could see his mind working…
We split into groups, there may have been some competition going on.
Group one, the best group getting our rendition of Do Re Me preformed.
The Following was written in 20 min to the tune of Do Re Me’s by our group:
Let’s start at the very begining
A very good place to start
When you read you begin with ABC
When you reunion you begin with BARNEY, BARNEY
The first two names you need to know are Alta and Pat, Alta and Pat
Darwin- the first of Alta’s Kids
Orvin- who changed his name to Pat
Shirley a girl was born at last
Verna- she evened out the pack
Geneal she sewed this lovely dress
Allen- he plays a lot of golf
All these kids make a rowdy bunch
Which makes us 200 strong!
Group one, Votes overall winner!
Group three, to spoon full of Suger.
Betsy with a mustache!
Group 2 did a rap, and group four asked for no music.
After all, they played the bean bag game.
Karl and I need to leave, so we took some pics as we said farewell.
The Zach Hite Fam:
Danielle, Ethan, and Zach.
Besty, Malia and the Boys.
Ok more of the boys:
Per grandma’s request, one of her and her grandsons.
Zach and Ethan watching a toy plane fly. It is so weird he is a dad.
He is a really good one too.
Till next year!
How do you spell fun?
Hey guys! I love the pictures you got of the reunion! Momma Hite gave me a bag of stuff to get to you guys. When is best to bring it by?