To celebrate the end of spring break, we had a themed slumber party.
The theme: The Lost Boys of HOOK!!!
We got rotisserie chicken, and ate instant noodle packets. (And salad because we are not animals!)
We had to get two chickens so that the kids could all have a chickcen leg.
Monster bites!
Dessert, being prepared by Krysta. Can you guess what we’re having…
After dinner we watch the 90’s classic, and the reason we’re all here: Hook
Such a great movie. It totally holds up.
The kids liked the movie. Krysta and I loved it. We laughed, we cried. It looked different as an adult, but was still SO good.
After dinner the puppies shared a bowl of kibble. Until Bruce changed his mind.
Krysta and Karen brought the kids Easter gifts, of little stuffed animals. Lucas loved his so much he wore it around his tummy.
We had three type of pudding for dessert, then they had a lost boys sleepover in the the big room.