OK, so some of you may know that the Utah Hite’s have a saying,
“Spanish Fork can eat my poo.”
Yes, foul and distasteful, but let me explain.
The town of Spanish fork has so many events to attend, the problem is that it is a very small town, and it hasn’t built up the infrastructure to handle the number of people that arrive to attend them. The Krishna temple has many annual festivals and every time we have tried to attend, we haven’t even been able to get to them because of the traffic. They have an annual demolition derby, and the ticket sell out so fast we have never been able to go. So we gave up on the town, until this weekend, when we gave it the old collage try and set out to the Holi Festival of Colors and the Krishna Temple.
Parking was pretty bad, still we only had to walk a mile, instead of 4 like some people.
We coulnd’t see the temple when we parked, but after a little while it came into view!
None of us had been before so we didn’t know how it all work. We bough “colors” (little bags of colored chalk) from a vendor on our way in.
Karen and Karl with their colors.
We walked through the gates and the temple was already pack.
The building is really quite beautiful. It is so out of place in Utah, and so fun too.
We shoped around in the gift shop, check out other little vendors and bought some curried rice for breakfast.
We bought a pack of Bindi and all us girls wore them on our foreheads. We bought little shalls and scarves and had fun with the music and people.
The time came for the “throwing” but people couldn’t help themselves. We got pelted as we walked up to the group. Krysta and Karen stayed on the permitter so they would be extra safe for Karen.
We wore our new scarves on our faces so we wouldn’t get chalk in our mouths or noses.
The counted down and the sky became a cloud of rainbow dust. It eventually settled into a purpley brown haze in the air. It was all in my teeth.
Krysta and Karen were not spared.
Karl poses.
I danced. The songs all said the same thing:
“Hari Krishna, Hari Krishna, Hari Hari Krishna Krishna, Hari Rama, Rama Rama, Rama Ram a Hari Hari.”
There was always people arriving and throwing chalk at you. Even Karen.
We got out of the fray when it started getting so muddy on the hill you couldn’t walk without falling on your bum.
Our view from the hill.

Karl’s back in the end:
My jeans:
We were on our way out when I bumped into:
My sister Krystin. She smeared pink chalk all over my face for good measure as we said goodbye.
Then look who else we saw:
Boopy and the Professor! (AKA John and Rachel)
We made it to the car, sat on blankets from the truck and got slowly out of town.
We passed groups of multi colored zombie looking people on our way out of town.
Karls hair:
My Part:
We got home and immediately showered. The water was all kinds of colorful, and our shirts and underwear were all permanently pink. It was a great morning, and I would recommend the event to anyone.
The trick: get there early and don’t stay too late.
I guess Spanish Fork isn’t so bad after all.
Best day ever. This was so much fun thanks for letting me tag along!
I've been watching for this blog since Saturday. When Krystin told me about the festival I knew you guys couldn't pass up something so much fun. When she told me she had seen you, I hoped to see a picture of the two of you. You didn't disapoint!!! Such fun.