Just a quick note on something cool that I found:
So it is this co op that busy bulk produce and distributes it at a fraction of the cost.
The catch?
1.You have to order it on Monday, almost a week before you even get it
2. You are never sure what you will get, or how much
3. You have a limited number of places to pick it up, my closest place is in north orem.
4. Pick up windows are 20 min, and it is usually very early on a Saturday morning
5. If you don’t sign up early, you may not be able to get a basket near you.
I did it any way. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
So we got up early on Saturday morning, to make our 7 am pick up window.
We got there at 705, and the ReStore, was already packed.
You have to bring a bag or basket with you to carry your stuff out. We stood in a long line for 10 min with people carrying empty baskets and IKEA bags waiting for their stuff.
We had two smallish laundry baskets full of stuff. You empty your two baskets into whatever you brought and clean out the baskets before you leave.
Our haul:
A big bunch of bananas, and large cantaloupe, 10 tangerines, 8 small gala apples, asparagus bunch, two huge romaine lettuce heads, three tomatoes, three large grapefruit, 2 zucchinis and 4 mangos.
all for 15 dollars.
Karl and we were leaving, “I would pay $15 dollars not to have to get up early on a Saturday.”
Oh I can't wait to try this! I am excited for Manngos. "I'll pop an apple in his kiwi.'