Just to start, being a hostess is hard! It made it really difficult to take any decent pictures and because you must do so much to hope that everyone is comfortable and entertained.
So, the theme of this Christmas is combining traditions. We were all new families just starting, and so we all had things that our families were doing with out us at home. We of course did Karl’s family tradition of big sandwiches:
Everybody enjoyed that!
Here are Jessica and Chris Nelson, friends from the ward who wouldn’t be home for Christmas.
After dinner, there was from my family the Christmas program, and from Adam’s family, playing Christmas music together on their instruments. Adam plays the cello.

We read from the scriptures and sang Christmas hymns.
Karen’s Facebook profile pic!
Chris was the best accompanist in the room so he played for us.
Karl and I directed and of course sang.
(A note here for any one who has noticed Karl mustache. While I was at work on Christmas eve Zac and Karl and Zac had a Christ-man-eve. They went and saw the remake of the John Wayne classic, Ture Grit. Karl trimmed his beard to celebrate.
After the Christmas program we did another one of Adam’s traditions: a coloring contest. While we colored we also participated in one of Karl’s traditions as well, the annual reading of “Why Giving is Nice.”
Finished Products:
Zac’s final pic was inspired by True Grit.
Chris was the final winner. His was entitled: “Santa After a Long Night”
His prize was Fruit Strips gum.
Next was an idea of Zac’s but was also something my family used to do in the old days: a dollar store gift exchange. Karl gave this sweet wrestling set to Zac.
Complete with wrestling ring and chain saw.

The Nelson’s got in on the fun too.
Zac gave Karl a hand made t-shirt:
It reads, Milk Legend Dairy.
Alicia gave to me. I got a headband making kit.
We had Alicia’s home made peach crisp for dessert and everyone went home.
We couldn’t wait any longer and we opened mom and dad’d awesome gift! THANKS!
The morning arrived and we came out to find our present explosion!
We of course first stopped and read my families Christmas tradition, The Littlest Angel.
Then it was present time!
One for me from Karl. It was an awesome new lamp for our piano!
Two of Karl’s favorite gifts from Christmas: A new t-shirt and an old family favorite game, Tabloid Teasers. Both from me. I had to search long and hard for both of these gifts.
Another awesome one from Brandon and Leah!
One of my favorites was this t-shirt folder, it folds perfectly every time.
Thanks to all of our friends and family who were so kind and generous to us this year!
After presents we went over to Krysta and Zac’s amd saw the beauty of the new Kitchen that they made for Karen.
Oh, yes, and I got Karl these sweet safety goggles for when he works with electricity.
We got Karl and Karen this sweet car road set. They had fun playing with it.
We had some sweet sticky buns for breakfast, thanks to the awesome miss Krysta!
Later was all got together to have lunch, leftover sandwiches, and to play Tabloid Teasers.
After that we all played the new Donkey Kong Country game Karl got for me.
Around four we drove out to the movies and saw the new Disney movies: Tangled

Seeing a movie on Christmas is a tradition from both Karl’s and my family. We picked Tangled because we needed a movie that even Karen could enjoy. The theater was packed with families and little kids. It was really distracting but still so much fun.
We rushed home from the movie and put in the prime rib. That’s right, Karl and I have been wanting to make a prime rib and we finally did it!
Here’s everyone!
Karl doing the honors:
Cooked to perfection!
I felt really fancy with the paper plates, and with they bikes gently nudging me as I ate in our little kitchen.
Alicia and Adam!
The Whitmores!
and of course, PRIME RIB. Krysta made some delicious mashed potatoes, that we completely consumed.
It was so tender and delicious.
After dinner we all stayed up late playing more Donkey Kong.
All in all, it was just like being at home, just not with our families. Marry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Looks like you had a lot of fun, but we missed you! I also got to host my first Christmas at my house this year, but not on purpose. This darn bed rest! Anyway, glad you had a happy Christmas!
You guys did a great job of blending Christmas traditions. Love the bow tie Zak! Karen's kitchen is truly amazing! Wow! I'm impressed! The prime rib looks fantastic! Inspired me to try it out. Glad you had such a fun time… but we really missed you guys! Everyone commented to me at different times how it wasn't the same without Allie and Karl.