We kicked the conference weekend off with the homecoming of our cousin, Elder Chase Hicken.
We met up at the SLC airport. We made welcome posters in anticipation of his arrival. We were all really excited.

No one, however, was more excited than Aunt Shirlene herself.

As people from Chase’s flight flied out s familiar looking man walked by:

Yes, that is Elder Dallin H. Oaks. I saw him leaving and I couldn’t resist meeting him. I hadn’t even shook the hand of an apostle. So I ran over and said, “Are you Elder Oaks?” Her replied, “Yes I am.” I said, “I am just so glad to meet you.” Then he walked over to the escalator.
Chase had arrived by then, and I went up to him and shook his hand. Then I walked right up to him and welcomed him home. Everyone saw him going up the escalator and waved. It was really cool. Then it was PICTURE TIME!

We said goodbye, with the promise to see each other tomorrow.
Friday after work we went up to Park City. Aunt Shirlene and Uncle Greg bought a couple of hotel rooms up there at a place called the Marriott Mountainside.
We spent the weekend playing and watching conference. The all the Hicken’s were there with a couple of Chase’s life long pals too. The rooms were so cool.
They overlooked the Alpine Slides and coaster. This is an actual picture I took from the window of our room.
Between Saturday afternoon and priesthood session we all headed out to the park. Thank you so much aunt shirlene for the tickets!! It was such a blast to do it, but even more fun because we were all doing it together!
Here are the boys, lined up and ready to go. You can see that Melanie is super excited too!
I love the Alpine Coaster!
After the Coaster, which was amazing! We all went up and rode the slides.
We raced each other down. I race aunt Shirlene, it was a close race. The ride took longer than we thought it would, so the boys had to RUN to the priesthood session. While they were gone Mel, Chelsea, Nicole and I went over to the outlet mall and looked around.
Sunday was spent enjoying the good word of God, eating delicious food, and hanging out. We also played a game called, “How many times can we spot uncle Greg in the choir.” Final could, including Music and the spoken work, 13. I was pretty impressed.
It was a wonderful weekend! Thanks so much Uncle Greg and Aunt Shirlene for letting us tag along! We love you both so much!!!