So a few weeks ago the screen on my laptop got a big crack in it. After some really annoying and unhelpful customer service from Toshiba, we finally gave up, watch a youtube video, and ordered an new screen on ebay. It was $70 bucks. Toshiba wanted $500 and since we got this laptop for $160, on a SWEET deal, we were not ready to spend that kind of dough.
The part arrived and it took Karl about 10 minutes to install.
Took off the screw covers.
Popped off the screen boarder.
Gently pulled out the screen.
He unplugged that one little plug.
Got out the new screen.
Plugged it in.
Snapped everything back on.
Good as new!
Mirah while Mirah made a “cake” for Grandpa Pippy’s birthday out of a slice of bread and a pudding cup.
In other news of home improvement:
We mounted our TV on our wall!