Lucas continues to reach mile stones And reach for things that are no good for him!
He thinks that it is hilarious when I say no.
He loves to be chased and to run away from me.
This day I had grabbed my phone to try and take his picture and he was having a total blast laughing and running away from me.
The speed he went from not walking to walking to running has been surprisingly fast.
He is so great at going up and down the stairs. He steps right over objects. He even kicks a ball around. Mirah is doing that really well now, but when she was his age…nope.
She was however speaking lots more than Lucas is now.
She is eating like a maniac. I think she is going through a growth spurt right now.
Oh, and she has become VERY articulate and polite so saying no to reasonable requests has become pretty hard. Like when we went to the Stoffer’s thrift store and she asked so nicely for a 35 cent pack of nerds. How could I say no?
A Hiaku
Oh Little candies
Bright purple and pink sugar
Loved by Mirah
We have moved most of the toys officially down to the play room this week. So Lucas and Mirah are now sharing that space.

Mirah. A little Kiki devil.
Lucas is loving it.
You can tell because he is still.