After being on his back for a couple of days Zach finally got to sit up.

By Tuesday he was out of the ICU and on a clear liquid diet.

By Tuesday he was out of the ICU and on a clear liquid diet.
Every day things seemed a little brighter.
He was even getting back on his feet by Tuesday evening.
He had lots of family around giving him encouragement and leaving him helpful love notes.
This one was courtesy of his brother Logan.
So by Wednesday morning, once his mom and Karen were out of town and everyone was back to work we thought it would be a good time to come and see him.
When we got there he was chewing on some pretzels and taking a break from the sling.
I had statyed away until then because….
Hospitals are hard for babies and small children.
Mirah wouldn’t leave my side or my lap for a while. I think seeing Zac so hurt was hard on her heart.
But Auntie Krysta knew just how to make her smile!
Sweet wonderful Krytsa. Who hadn’t left his side except to run a few errands here and there and to come drop Karen off at our place, and take a shower.
I asked to take their picture and Zac put on a show.
Couldn’t keep a straight face.
It only took 3 days for bruising to finally appear.
Things seemed to get a big more painful and sore before they got any better.
While I was there he got the go ahead to eat soft foods!
AND the doctor came in to tell him he could do home that night! Instead of Thursday like they had thought. This was WONDERFUL news.
Just an note for posterity: All the doctors and nurses at University of Utah Hospital are like super good looking. It was weird. We made a comment on Sunday about it, then Zac’s doc came in on Wednesday and DANG, he was really handsome. It was like Grey’s Anatomy in there.
Here’s Zac later that evening getting the discharge paperwork.
Then before 9:00 that evening…they were at our house!
Still in the hospital cloths, because all of his other cloths were either packed, or cut off of his body in the accident. Yikes.
you are just so so wonderful!! Thank you for writing these up. I one million love you!