Christmas Morning!
We were detrimed to stay on our Utah time, so we got up early in CA all week. Christmas morning was no exception. Mirah was up by 6:30 CA time, and ready to go!!
Mirah was immediately in love.
We eventually got to our stockings.
Then many generous gifts from Grandma and Grandpa.
This little owl purse was an instant favorite.
She somehow climbed into her cart. She was then given this AMAZING hand made doggie from her aunt Leah. She loves it. She is currently snuggling it in her bed.
This is a cute story. So Mirah opens this cool new blanket from her grandma. I said, “Oh I love it!” Then Mirah grabbed it from me, and for a few minutes kept saying, “Oh I love it, oh I love it!”
After all of that cuteness, Mirah wanted to go and run around outside.
Christmas play time with uncle Brandon.
We headed over for breakfast at mom and dad’s place.
While there, we discovered Santa had come and left Mirah the present of her DREAMS!
A bike!
The beauty of California, tons of places to test out your new Christmas bike!
Time for Christmas dinner!
Mirah getting into the spirit of things!
7 layer bean dip!
Everyone pitched in. Karl grilled the Carne Asada and cooked the tortillas, Kelly made the drinks, Maryn made the guacamole, mom of course made the dip!
We pulled crackers before we ate, and everyone got a red crown this year.
Sloan didn’t get a crown.
Mirah, starting to get tired.
At 6 PM, we started to open presents.
Mom read the Littlest Angel.
Mirah was starting to loose it.
And then presents!!
Gifts from Belle.
Then we lost Mirah. I was having a hard time taking pictures.
Krystin, “I am already feeling toasty warm.”
Maryn got Mirah TWO sparkly doggie purses.
After all of the hullabaloo of presents, it was nice to remember, it is all about the gift of family.
Three generations of Pipkin men.