Easter 2015

Happy Easter! 
It was an early morning for my little bunnies!

We have church at 9, so we were up extra early to do everything we wanted to before church. 

The Easter bunny must have been tired, because he just left our baskets on the table this year. No treasure hunt. 

He even left Adam and Belle a joint Easter bag. 

MIrah got candy, and legos and a couple of little books. 

SO early. 
Poor Adam had to be up even earlier because he had work at 6 AM. 

Lucas got a couple a books, some peeps…
Lucas loves it!
He also loves Reeses eggs. 
You can see it in his eyes, “what is this garbage? Give me more candy!”

Breakfast was coming together, the girls sat and played with the Legos while we finished cooking. 

We did egg wars. 
I won! 
Even when Karl tried to trick me. 
My breakfast. 
Boiled eggs for breakfast! 

Church was CUTE!
Lucas was getting around, and making friends. “

All that cutness made this little guy sleepy. 

Mirah had a fun day at church too. 
My lovely girl. 
We had a relaxing afternoon. We played video games, watched a movie, and got dinner ready. 
We of course had deviled eggs and asparagus. 
A green salad. 
Yummy ham and scalloped potatoes. 
These two enjoyed themselves some cutie babies. 

Dinner was served. 
Grandma was happy. 

The kids table. 

After dinner, we went out to enjoy the warm evening. 
Nick had hidden a bunch of Easter eggs. 

Lucas and I had a fun time watching. 
We face timed with my parents. Kelsey came too. We finished Nacho Libre, and now I am fighting sleep, so I can get this posted. 
Night night. Happy Easter. 

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