Meeting Santa

So our original plan for Tuesday night was to go up to SLC and see the lights at Temple Square. The snow that day was terrible. Like super bad and so everyone chickened out.  
So we decided to got right over to The Riverwoods to see the lights there and finally meet Santa! 
It was a pretty cold night. So Karl put on this new coat my dad gave him, and got Lucas all snuggled in there too. 

Lucas was excited to finally meet the old man…or just trying to keep warm. 
The line to meet Santa was a little long, so the gang went into Blinkenstaff’s while I waited in line. 
As we got closer to meeting him the came out to meet me. 

Finally it was out turn! 
Mirah told Santa that she wanted a Kitty Pet for Christmas. 

Now with both of the kids. 

The Money Shot. 
Or this one….
After meeting Santa and standing out in the cold for 40 minutes we thought it would be nice to get inside for a minute. So we went into the Provo Beach Resort. Mirah and I took a little ride on the Merry go Round. 
AND the gang all got Dole Whips.
Mom’s fave. 


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