Grandpa has been doing very poorly the past week. We went over to visit him on Monday evening and Face Timed with mom so he could see her.
On one of our visits Mirah even did exercises with some of the other residents.
On one of our visits Mirah even did exercises with some of the other residents.

I think seeing him, as well as the fact the he was now having visits from hospice helped her decide to come and see him for herself.
Just as soon as she arrived we went up to see him.
We went again the next morning and Aunt Janet came and met up with us there.
Sisters think alike,
Meanwhile Mirah made a new friend.
A mom in my mom’s class sent a gift for Mirah.
This little number:
While mom was in town we also spent lots of time with Cameron and Sloan.
Getting so big and STILL so cute!
Mom was given a big album of pictures of her that grandma had of her before she died.
There were some really great shots:
There was some snow on Saturday afternoon and Mirah really needed to play. She insisted on getting all decked out even though it was just some flurries:
Belle and Adam came over that night and we all vegged out and watched Big Hero 6.
Sunday morning Maryn arrived and mom gave all the girls gifts from Dad:
A flashlight SLASH-
Stun gun!!
Maryn couldn’t stay long. We took a picture before she left and we went to church.
Monday morning rolled around.
We went over to Grandpa’s place. One last visit with this sweet lady.
She gave Mirah a little braclette.
After our visit we went to Even Stevens for Breakfast in SLC near Maryn’s place.
My beautiful mom.
One last picture before goodbyes.
Mirah right after we dropped my mom off at the air port. She was crying and saying, “I don’t want Grandma to leave.”
She felt a lot better when we got home and found her grandma’s shoes.
UPDATE: Grandpa died the next evening. Tuesday March 3rd.