Sunday at the Pipkin Hite’s

This is a crazy, yet pretty typical Sunday at our house.

The day began with this adorable but cute little face at my bedside. He was my the first thing I saw as I woke up, and it was sad. But man I love this sweet little face. Couldn’t ask for a better way to be woken up.

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IMG_2050.JPG His little hey is starting to scab. It’s looking a little less puffy today. But I can’t tell what’s scab, or eye lash, or stitches.

We fed the kids, then headed out to church.


We were on the fence about taking Lucas, but in the end decided to go. We spent sacrament meeting in the Primary room. The kids were happy with less strenuous structure.

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While in the primary room I was fun to look around at some of the things that were up in the Primary room, like the article of faith chart.

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Kristin is the best, her lesson was just so cute today. IMG_2066.JPG IMG_2067.JPG

Sunday I take a nap…and today I woke up from my nap to kids.  Dressed up.

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While in dinner our neighbor invited us over for scones. Us and tons of people in the neighborhood.

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Pretty normal Sunday.

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