More fall fun time traditions!
I think Besty said, “I just love the fall!” at least 10 times last night.
It was a chilly and rainy day that cleared up in the late evening. The air was clean and the leaves are turning golden. So we got together to do our annual Ichabod Crane viewing.
We did some traditional fall treats.
Like Caramel apples!
Top Tip:
Microwave caramel apple kits. So fast, so easy, almost NO clean up.
Delicious. And a tiny bit nutritious.
Another top tip:
It is much easier to eat carmel apples after they are sliced. The kids loved them.
Nick could not be persuaded. Only traditional on a stick.
Our true annual tradition is Betsy’s home made carmel corn. YUM!
Nick kindly built a fire.
Which we all rally enjoyed.
Then there was the Ichabod Crane movie. We watched the wind and the willows which is the first movie on the DVD.
The the story of Ichabod Crane, narrated and music by Bing Crosby. So good.
My favorite part of course is how much this pedagogue loves to eat!
And “are those shovels, or are they feet?”
Roasted chicken let.
Entire chicken.

The kids were not as into the movie as we were.
BUT, they did have a good time together as usual.
How bad could things be bad with all of that sugar?