Maryn and the Zoo

While Karl was riding his little heart out, 
Mirah and I went looking around.
Our first stop, a visit to Maryn’s work!
It was a seriously awesome place. She seemed really happy and in her element. 
All of the people that I met were super nice. It was fun to see her. 
Our big plan for the morning was to go to the HOGLE ZOO!
What a great zoo. 
We saw the new Africa exhibit, and Mirah had a drink out of the famous lion’s head drinking fountain.  
We saw the “daddy lion.” She kept laughing and pointing, 
“Look Mommy, it’s the daddy lion.”
“Oh, I see him. Do you like him?”
“Yeah, I like him.”
“He is really big, huh?”
Next we saw the elephants. 
We probably spent 15 minutes here. There was a grandma and a mommy and a baby elephant. Little Zurri is 5. The grandma is 54, the oldest elephant in the US. She has out lived the average elephant life expectancy by 10 years. Zurri’s mom is 28. We sat and watched them eat, and Mirah kept asking about the family. We talked about mommy, and grandma Pippy and Mirah. She thought that was hilarious. “That’s me!”
We got to the eagles. This is Mirah last year at the zoo in the aerie. 
This year:
Getting so big!
Also, then there was the otter.

“These are Mire Cats, just like you.” 
“Like me! Mommy, look Mirah cats!”
We got in line for the bird show, and had some snakes while we waited.
Ahhh, the bird show. 
We got a call right as the show was getting started, Karl popped his tire.
We hustled our buns to him, but still her was waiting for an hour. 
Mirah was ALL tuckered out by the time we got to him, and she had a nice long nap on the ride home. 

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