My boy, my baby boy was turning 4!
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My babies.
As part of our tradition, we went out to get a birthday outfit a couple of days before his big day. We found a few incredible shirts at H&M.
On his birthday, we had a table with balloons and gifts waiting for him first thing in the morning.
Between making pancakes, we did the annual birthday measuring.
Lucas, still nearly a year ahead of Mirah.
Karl, sweetly made breakfast.
And, as birthday tradition dictates, we let Lucas open ONE gift. He opened his practice switch blade, which is a dull little thing, which he was in LOVE with.
It took some convincing to get him to put it down for breakfast.
His birthday this year was spider-man themed. So we were SO lucky to find ONE spider-man shirt, and it was in his size at H&M. It was a birthday miracle.
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After breakfast we dropped Mirah off at her camp, Lucas and I came home to make the dough for his birthday cookies.
Then I took time to tell him the story of the day he was born. Thank heaven for the blog. It is really my only link to that time. I have really forgotten it all.
We went to the Museum of Ancient Life. His choice, we were there for nearly two hours, and we spent the WHOLE time in the sand room. All he wanted to do was play with other kids and dig for bones.
As a special birthday treat, we did something we NEVER do, and bought him a toy at the gift shop.
It was moive day, and we went to see what is now a favorite, the Teen Titans Go to the Movies. It was at the Scera, and so were our friends who meet us there every week.
After the movies we went to get Slurpees!
Lucas got a Slurpee Christmas ornament. You know, for fun.
Back at home, I got the cookies going.
Lucas was my helper.
Karl arrived as we were finishing up, and made a spider-man with the last of the dough.
Devanie, Dane, Aftyn, Krysta, and Karen had come over for a while after the movie, and we ran out of time to decorate.
A shot of the kids are we said goodbye.
Lucas got to pick dinner, so we of course went to Pho.
With crispy dumplings for starters.
Back at home, we improvised a cake. He had a spider-man cake coming for the family birthday party on the weekend.
We sang to him. Look at those eyelashes.
We opened gifts:
We played with his new stop rocket in the front yard.
Happy birthday baby boy. I love you so totally.