Betsy’s Birthday! (And the Kids)

Lady Betsy had a birthday today, and we came over to Celebrate!
We arrived after work and the kids played together. We eventually made it outside.  

Judah and Mirah, playing with a ball.

Judah in his new shoes.

Whispers and secrets between bros.

Mirah eating things…

Hair clip.

 Judah with his new shades.

 Asher too.

We had an amazing dinner of pizza, then cup cakes to follow.

They were trick candles. Betsy made tons of wishes, because they kept relighting.

The kids all loved their cup cakes.

Judah was really into the buttercream whipped frosting.
He even ate all the frosting off of this one, then ditched the cake, and begged for another.

Mirah looks like she is on drugs.

She loved it too.

The vines on their back poarch have bloomed and they atre beautiful! Check out the close up of the flowers. They smell great too.

The post dinner carnage.

The kids were all such a mess so we threw them in the tub together, it packed in there.




 The kids had a BLAST together. It was serious party time!
If anyone is nervous, they were supervised by two adults at all time.

 After bath time, and getting all the kids into PJ’s we gave Betsy her present.

And the kids played on.
The boys playing with their new shades.

 Family Fun times.

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