Nick was LBJ, since I guess he was an outdoorsman.

Karl hair sprayed his mustache into a Teddy Roosevelt style.
Rachel was Abe and Jon was Fox. Yes Fox the president of Mexico.
We ordered our sandwiches and got the kids all settled.
As we sat down to get started, we were deciding that we had made a mistake.
My Mistake. I ordered the Spicy Enticer. That is salami, pastarami, and peperoni with all the veggies. Never ear fatty spicy meats. It is way too much.
He basically at an entire block.
Nick and Betsy, feeling confident.
Karl’s dad finished first. With time and room to spare.
He was very sweet and gave Mirah his shirt.
Did it with out breaking a sweat.
She felt so great she did a victory lap!
Then there were two.
I had pretty much given up at 12 inches.
Karl couldn’t loose face infront of his family.
Karl grabbed Betsy’s au jux.
Here begins the new Hite family inside joke:
“it’s all in the au jux.”
He looked at me, and said, “I just have to get it all in my mouth.”
And he did.
His fourth time.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Karl’s mom was struggling to keep Asher and Judah under control.
This was the day they discovered candy machines.
We headed back to Nitsy’s place. We said farewell to Jim and Lynnelle, then had FHE together.

Mirah’s gums. Still not teeth on top.

Asher and Mirah were being HILARIOUS crawling around under the table together.
Mirah found a snack.
The kids were being so cute this weekend. They are really starting to play well together. The boys will get on the floor and crawl around with Mirah. They love to set stuff in front of her to play with and share their toys with her. She is getting antsy to walk as she watches them run circles around her.
We headed home after FHE still feeling sick with fullness.
Kids crawling under the table together: so cute! Me and Mirah: true aunt/niece love 🙂