Our parking was amazing. Right across the street from Pier 33 where we got on the ferry.

While we waited we tried to get a look at Mirah’s new teeth. Yes, she has teeth, two of them. I took a little bit of doing, and some really hilarious pictures but they show up in the end.

Oh! There they are!!!

The bay was still really foggy when we set out around 11:30.
Circus baby at Alcatraz!
Bundeling up to set up the hill.
In the 60s there was a group of Indians that took over the Island. Apparently their tagging is still there.
We started with a informative talk about famous inmates of Alcatraz.
Mirah got board.
It was cool are rather informative. Like, did you know that when Machine Gun Kelley and Al Capone came to Alcatraz the arrived by train. Yes! They were moved in a sealed railway container (welded Shut) then the container was moved onto a freighter and not opened until it got to the island.
Because we sat through the whole thing, we were taken upstairs to see the hospital wing. It is not at part of the normal tour. Karl and Mirah waited downstairs. I ran up with about a dozen other people.
It was kind of dark and creepy up there.
An old operating room.
The pharmacy.
The place where guys would go when they were having psychotic fits.
The Birdman’s room.
He had so much trouble with other inmates, he was taken away from everyone and put in isolation in the hospital wing.
For the first 7 months here he was not allowed a toilet.
After all the creepy business, we headed down to the main cell block for the audio tour.
The audio tour was given by four former guards and four former inmates.
The cell as they would have appeared.
This was the scariest part for me.
Stepping outside.
The light house and an amazing view of the city.
The golden gate.
Me 🙂
We learned about the escape attempts…
Karl’s main motivation for visiting. This is one of his FAVORITE movies.
The red one…makes me thinks of some of then men in my life.
Karl chased a pigeon.
We got a BUCKET of donuts.
Then Dunch again at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.
The view was amazing. You could see the bay and even Alcatraz from our table.
Mirah was getting really grabby. Here is her changing her focus from the menu…
Always trying to chew on something.
This is how you got your servers attention.
We then headed over to see the seals.
Check out these two:
The day was ending, and we were getting tired.
We stopped in China town to get some Dim Sum to go.
All things Chinese New Year.
We bought Mirah a Chinese lantern for her room.
Back to the hotel, then sleep….