Mirah was getting hungry and we needed to go the the store to get some baby food. It was weird to pass the huge two isles of liquor and wine there. I went in by myself and Karl and Mirah hung out in the car. While waiting for me, Karl found where he wanted to eat. Baja Fresh. We tried to eat there once before in Utah, but when we got to the address the place was closed. Funny story the same thing happened when we went to the first stop in San Francisco. We were persistant and went to another location and there it was. It was really good. Mango Salsa, YUM! I also had a delicious shrimp burrito bursting with shrimp.
We had a couple of hours before we could get into our hotel and Mirah needed a nap. So we decided to take a longish drive to Oakland to see the temple and take in the view.
The view was a little obscured by the haze:

Our first view of Alcatraz!

We got into our hotel and Mirah passed out. So did I. We were tired from the trip, and it was at this point we started to realize that Mirah’s voice was sounding horse.
By the time she woke up from her nap she was clingy and crabby and we decided to stay in. The weather had turned rainy and we didn’t was to push it. We ordered in Indian food for dinner and watched movies on HBO. It was nice.
The next morning Mirah was doing a little better, although now Karl wasn’t feeling too well. We were going to try to make it to church, but thought it would be rude to bring a sick baby to a ward of strangers. We spent the morning resting. We were getting a little stir crazy and finally headed out around noon.
Our Motel. The Alpine Inn. Very quaint little place in Daly City. Overlooking the Ocean and Cow Palace, the home of the NHL SF Bulls.
It was ok. The soap came out of push dispensers in the shower and bathroom, the floors were freezing cold, but it came with a continental breakfast and it fit the bill in price. So that was nice.
Each day we drove through the neighborhood.
It was really cool. It felt like we had left the country.
We headed over to Marin County. Passing though Judah 🙂
Driving through Golden Gate park. Then over the Golden Gate Bridge.
Karl, Driving us.
Into Marin County, to Tamalpais county…
Into the Muir Woods!
The Muir woods were quiet and dark and almost magical. Famous for the Red Wood trees.
These are not the Sequoia’s of the far North, but they are the Tallest trees.
The park was busy, it was hard to find parking. Still, it was so quiet.
I think I can see a face in this one! Grandmother Willow?
The roots were everywhere. Karl commented that you can only imagine that the ground here is just full of roots going every which way.
The sun came out for a moment. The forest was damp, but not very cold. It was odd to see steem coming off of the wood.
One of the prettiest parts of the wood:
Karl and Mirah again.
The trees were tight together here.
We came to a momnument and a fallen tree:
Built for FDR and is roll as a founding member of the UN. Members of the UN met here and placed this plaque in his memory.

Stopped in the gift shop briefly…so cute.
Then we headed out of the woods and went to give the bridge a proper look.
Mirah was having a great day at this point. Still a little fussy, but good.
Karl’s Grandpa Neal is a Navy man.
Walking onto the bridge, this upsetting notice.
We were getting tired from all the walking, but we were determined to at least make it over the water.
The traffic seemed to get louder and the wind picked up as we got farther onto the bridge.
We paid the $6 (yikes) toll to get back over the bridge, and then went over to 19th street and got some Pho with Imperial Rolls for Dunch. (Dinner/Lunch)
Next we drove up and down Lumbard Street. Mirah was LOOSING it at this point, so I didn’t have a chance to take a picture. A street so steep, that that had to make it windy to get down.
This is a pic of me a few days later at fisherman’s warf with a pic of the road on a placemat.
Then over to Alomo Square Park…
Overlooking city Hall.
And Full House, house!
My 9 year old self was giving me a million high fives! We headed back to the full house house.
We had leftovers for supper and went to be early. A little sick, and beat from the day.