Happy Pi Day Weekend!
We had been home for a few days. It was Sunday, and we did church from home for the first time. Luckly, I know all of the Primary songs. We sang together, watched some Book of Mormon Videos, and read some scriputres.
By lunch time, we decided we wanted to enjoy the warm weather and some hammock time. It was FINALLY getting warm out there.
Back inside, it was time to do our annual Pi Day traditions.
We made what is one of my most FAVORITE meal: Shepherd’s Pie.
Karl did an amazing job. Lucas agreed.
After dinner we made our Di e Veres bracelets too!
Karl, less and less into it every year.
Karl had gone out for me on Saturday, braved the store, and gotten us a couple of frozen pies.
While eating our pies Lucas decided he wanted a drink. He came back with this tomato juice. And I think he liked it, maybe.
It was such a beautiful day.
I love this little tradition. Here we are a few years ago…