Last night I was breastfeeding Mirah right before she went to bed. I looked down at her, and started to cry. Why? Her feet hung off the pillow I have used since she was a couple weeks old. She is getting too big. She will be 7 months old in a little over a week and as fun as her development has been to watch, it is so sad to think that Mirah’s days as a little baby are ending. I have a personal philosophy about living and trying to enjoy each day for what it is. So far I have been able to do it. Mirah’s first 6 months have been amazing.
Things that have been happening recently with her:
1. She has been getting SO chatty. Her favorite thing to say is “Da da da” all of her babbling always seems to return to that. She also say “bo,” “ya,” “wo,” “ta” and even “ma.” She only says “ma” when she is crying. Mostly just babbling at this point. She mimics us. We love to try and get her to day I love you. She will repeat, “waw oo.” It is pretty stinking cute.
2. She is eating lots of solid foods. She loves banana oat cereal. She will noche on a frozen bananas and eat little blueberry rice cereal and Ritz crackers. We have tired other foods, including the great avocado explosion of 2012, with little success.
3. She has fallen in total love with her dad. Karl thinks that when she says “dada” she knows what it means. She will say it when she sees him. But she will also say it when she sees her pacifier, a toy, when going to sleep…. But pictures don’t lie, Mirah LOVES her dad.

This also brings up something else she has started doing:
4. Wide open mouth kisses. Beautifully sweet and cute and wet. I love them! She a little sunggle bug. This little photo shoot is from the other night when Karl got home from work. She was so excited.

I know right??? She is getting so beautiful and cute. I just love her so much. Look at those eyes! That little mouth. That double chin!
5. My last point of growth she is becoming mobile. Not crawling yet, but almost. She scoots backwards and rolls everywhere. She has begun to get out of her swaddling, gives us the middle finger and sleeps on her side. She has begun to fight sleep, and has begun playing in her bed. She is up on her knees, rolling and scooting. I got the camera out this morning, and got some proof.
Darling pictures. Darling girl! I'm glad you're recording her progress. We will all enjoy looking at the pictures again when she is older.
oh my gosh she is SO CUTE!!! i want to steal her! i can't believe she's already so old! ahhh 🙂 she'll be crawling before you know it. so much fun, i love all the pictures