Which is basically a weird heart beat pattern.
A nurse noticed, and this brought up all of the sad Hite family History. Then came the testing. She got an EKG.
Then she had a Holter Test:
The tec came with a million little stickers, to stick on her little chest.
The little pack that gathered the info.
Her orignial NICU mummy wrap.
It was simple, she just slept in her little NICU bed.
Then there was the Eco Cardio Gram. Where the looked at her little heart.
Again, pretty easy because she was sleeping in a tiny little bed.
Her heart.
All results were good. But they wanted to check and make sure the arrhythmia did go away.
So, the Cardiologist Dr. Hoffman, asked to see us again when she was four months old.
Flash forward:
Mirah is almost four months old, and they had us come in!
The best part was that Karl was finally roped into getting his heart looked at!
So we went into the cardiology clinic.
They proceeded to put on the cutest little blood pressure cuff on Mirah:
100% O2 Sat! What, What!?
The came the EKG. Karl Held her for the procesure.
Here is a really funny video of the procedure.
Well, after that trauma, Mirah was all tuckered out.

Mirah liked her. She was ticklish and giggled as she got ready to get the leads put on.
This thing looked like a old timey cell phone in a cover.
that's great that she was so happy during all the tests. did everything come back good? i seriously can't handle how tiny and adorable she is!! 🙂