As anyone living far away from their family can appreciate, being with long missed brothers and sisters is a much anticipated event. Though a baby into that mix, a few excitable sisters and one first time grandma and you have something close to hysteria.
This was the case when my sisters drove up into town. We had been in communication, and I was in fact over at Nitsy’s place hanging out when I got their call. I rushed over to meet them at our apartment in a few blocks away. I was able to beat the group there, and so I left them a little surprise on the porch. I left Mirah in her carrier facing them as they came up the stairs. I his just inside the door and took pictures as they discover them.
I couldn’t get a clear shot of Krystin, she just couldn’t hold still.
Then Maryn came in after her, and well, there were tears.
Then she spotted me, and more tears…

more happy tears…

“don’t look at me!”

Maryn and Mirah finally meet.

Krystin and Mirah meet at last!

Like the three wise men, they came bearing gifts.

Some cute hand made bracelets, and a sweet outfits. Her sweet friend Rachel sent some awesome pupas!

I mean check out the golden shoes!
Mom brought a bag…shrouded in mystery… 🙂

The beautiful quilt that she made for her!!

Mirah is so in love, she has gone numb.

Isn’t it wonderful? Mom, you did a great job!

Mirah, trying on her new bracelets. She looks, skeptical.

Baby skinny jeans.

Three generations. Me, Mom, and Mirah. I am holding a blanket sister Johnson sent.
Here is Mirah, a few days later, zonked out in her new outfit.
It was so good to see them. They left after hanging out for a little while. They headed up to Cameron and Kelly’s house in Salt Lake. The distance between our houses made things a little complicated. It is a solid hour from our place and Cams place.
I love those little pants! Are those the newborn size or 3m? Mirah is such a little doll.