Back down to the subway!

We took the A train to 81st street, got on a cross town bus that road us across Central Park and dropped us off:
At the Metropolitan Museum of Art

First fun fact:
Just as a heads up, Ted was right. This place was AMAZING!

In my World Civ class in college my teacher said that we were constantly finding that civilizations were “much more advanced than we previously thought.” Maybe that was what was so breath taking. It all seemed so new, so modern, yet it was all thousands of years old. BC stuff.

This was cool. I have a picture just like this one, next to a head just like this one in Albania. Except the head in Albania is WAY bigger.

Man (Zeus actually)

Perseus Slays Medusa. I have seen pictures of this one all my life.

Ugolino della Gherardesca and his Children

Very emotional, and powerful. We spent a bunch of time here. I love this staue of this woman below. I have been her so often this last little while.
This makes me think of my mom, for some reason.

This portion of the Museum was as Karl put it, “an engineering and architectural feat” They had whole victorian style houses IN the museum. With original walls, and floors, and everything.

Check out this room. Amazing! There were whole stone terraces, and a little farther down the way:

And this one, which Karl immediately declared his favorite painting.

I think that modern art can either be super accesible, or really incomprehensible.

Then we found some interactive art, and spent a while here:

And one together now:

Then we found Vincent again.

“it looks like uncle Marshall”

This painting is so much better up close.

But honestly, not as much as lanscapes. That is something that I discovered about myself on this trip. I LOVE LANSCAPES. Like this one:
Heroic Landscape with Rainbow
by Joseph Anton Koch (German, Obergibeln bei Elbigenalp 1768–1839 Rome)

You got to walk around in it.

Then there is of course:

Also, on I Am Legend it showed him fishing in this pond, but there were no fish to be seen here.

It was at this point that Karl all of the sudden got really obsessed about seeing a mummy.

And in here:

We left, entirely satisfied with our experience. It was the first place we have been that both of us said, if we came back to New York, we would definitely do that again. It is the kind of place that is best to have a membership to. You can just go and experience it if you are blue, or if you just need a break. Seriously so cool.

We walked a few blocks and found ourselves here:

The Guggenheim
From inside:

This was the first place that was strictly no pictures. From top to bottom, it is one comprehensive statement. It isn’t a collection of different art, it is art itself. The current exhibit was Lee Ufan, Making Infinity.
Lee Ufan: Marking Infinity
Check out the link if you are interested. It really makes the whole thing make more sense, and it shows most of the images from the exhibit.

I am in the Guggenheim reading about the Guggenheim!

Karl Reading, right before a lady yelled at my for taking a picture.

Down in the gift shop, Karl found a block friend.

Karl eating a Gyro out side.

Me looking at terrible art, and eating a Kanish. Which was terrible by the way. It tasted like ketchup and curry.

Our hearts and minds full of art and culture we made out way to the Financial district to get on a clipper.

Our first daytime view of the Satue of liberty. We decided not to take the trip to the Island. This was better. A guy served us drinks, and we let the cool breeze wash over us.

My foot had been killing me all day, still I couldn’t resist getting up to the front of the boat!

There were only about 25 of us on board. It was nice, peaceful and quiet.

Ellis Island. The Golden Gateway or Island of Tears.

I smell a Christmas Card.

This building is famous for it’s beautiful architecture and art deco feel, and for CRAZY long lines to get to the top. We came at a good time, right as people were starting to go to dinner. So we only waited an hour to get to the top.
This is what it was actually like:

We were at the top.

It was not like it looked in the movies. It is way smaller for starters.

We found a part in the crowd and got to take in another New York Sunset.

I love Karl.

The Chrysler building.

After years of wishing, months of anticipation, and hours of waiting in line, we did it. We made it to the top. After 20 min of walking around, we were ready to go.
It started to get so crowded that walking was a luxury that many could not expect.
After that we went shopping! We visited H&M for the fist time, and both got some sweet new looks. Then we visited Macy’s. The worlds largest store.
At first glace it was just like the Macy’s in Utah.

We took them 8 floors up and then 8 floors down again.

It turned out it was just like any other Macy’s, just freaking enormous.
It was 9:00 at this point and we were starving. In an effort to try and find an Albanian place we accidentally found this cute little French place instead.

There was delicious bread, and I had a Creme Caramel for dessert.

We were totally beat.

We walked home and CRASHED!
Fun fact: Metropolitan Museum of Art is also featured in one of my fav movies of all time, When Harry Met Sally…
Loving the updates! So so happy that you had a blast in NY. I am jealous (duh!) but so happy for you both 🙂 NY <3 YOU!