So you may have seen on the new that last night little drizzle has turned into todays flooding all over the city. I guess that is pretty normal in the city.
As we got onto the Subway to go to church this morning we saw all these cops roped off and waiting. I found out later that they were waiting to go and participate in the Dominican Day Parade!
We didn’t make it, instead we got onto train 1, and headed up to Columbus and 79th.
AKA, the Manhattan temple, and a place we knew would have sacrament meeting.
KAREN: Can you see the angel Moroni?
Inside is the corner stone:
And Beehives!
We went to Sacrament meeting, and saw a girl named Allison Sullivan I know from work. We trained together in ’08 when I first started. It was weird.
It was a singles ward, and the sprit was great.
The building was just like one we went to in Rexburg, and it was so quiet inside, you would never have known we were 3 floors up, in the middle of one of the largest cities on earth.
Three girls spoke, I say girls but they were all my age. It was great, on the program, next to their names were their phone numbers. (Not normal, their roommate makes the programs) After church we went out again to see some of the city.
Looking up from the street.
We wanted to make a quick stop, at this market we have been hearing about:
The rain took them inside:
check out these:
Fork ring:
Karl and I got each other a piece of Jewelry to celebrate our 5th Anniversary:
I got this sweet ring, 5 bars, for 5 years.
Karl found this Tie Clip:
Five Arms…ish.
We were going to go to a Yankees game, but it was rained out.
I mentioned a couple of days ago, that my right foot was beginning to hurt. By this point, it was like walking with a knife in my foot. It doesn’t hurt unless I am walking on it. So we decided between the rain, and my foot, it would be a good idea to take the rest of the Sabbath and get out of the rain. We have been watching the news, and there is supposed to be rain until tomorrow. I guess we will be waiting in line at Museums tomorrow.
PS: We went out for a few minutes to get dinner:
That’s right, Lasagna Pizza. The guy that sold it to me said, when I asked him if it was any good, “I don’t know, the only people who be gettin’ that one is white folk.”
I got it, and it was great.
That quote from the pizza man just brightened my day. Also day-brightening was your boss postcard! We miss you! Hope you enjoyed NYC to your hearts content