We bought our tickets a month ago. In anticipation of this glorious event. Was it worth it?
I would like to start here and say that none of this would have been possible with out all of the hard work of my dear friend, miss Krysta Whitmore. Here are two of the first lines:
12:05 and 12:09
There is a red umbrella and a blue tent, and a white looking tent:
That was us!
In our line we were fourth group back.
My view from inside the tent.
So Krysta arrived at 11:00 AM. Karl and I cam and visited at 1:00 PM for lunch. We came back after work around 5. Karl arrived around 7.
Once he got there we started our set up of the first half of the Deathly Hallows.
We sat and watched, and got more and more excited.
While we were sitting there a guy from the news paper came and took a picture of us:
Fans camp out for last Harry Potter film

Krysta was even Quotes in the Daily Herald that day. She was quoted as saying “I wish I had done this for all the Movies!
The sun went behind the building so we took the tents down. New set up:
Then Zac arrived. I joked with him about bringing me a fountain drink…the he did!
I was stoked!
We went to 5 Guys for dinner. Oh so good. I even got a lettuce wrap!
Krysta spilled, and it made a heart!
After I ate and all the tents were down I started to look around at the people around us.
This guy, who looks like Jason Bateman, is Ron. His name is really Ron. I am not sure where the sweater came from.
Another group next door, started taking tents down, all had shirts on too:
then slutty Dobby arrived:
Mad Eye Moody!
I kept checking to see if my tickets were still in my wallet.
Oh, did I mention the girls just ahead of us in line? They were playing DS all afternoon. They were cool. They did this every movie.
Here they are:
The line started to get crazy, and I needed to take a walk.
The costumes were great!
Check them out:
There were people selling t-shirts:
Hedwig? I think?
We went back to the boys, and look who was waiting for us:
Luscious Malfoy
The sun finally went down, and we watched the moon rise over the mountain.
Our friend Phil and his family were in the very front of our line!
Then I thought I saw Chelsea:
They came and told us to get lined up. We got all of our stuff into the car.
We were all so excited!
This little creeper cut in line. I am glad that the picture turned out so demond like.
While we waited, we watched Potter Puppet Pals on my phone, and played a Harry Potter trivia game too.
Then the movie started. It was seriously awesome. I laughed, I cried, I screamed.
So great. A must see.
BEST DAY EVER!!! I love that most of my best days ever are with you. THank you so much for the wonderful time!!
where was Karen all this time?