So today is the day before the Barney Family Reunion, Family has started pouring into town.
Nitsy and the boys arrived this afternoon.
They have gotten so freaking huge!
This is them in January:

The boys had been in the car for two days so Nitsy joined together together to give each of them a bath. Nick made me scrub out my sink with Ajax before he would let then be bathed in there. It hurt a little when he said, “cause seriously it is disgusting.” 🙁
Judah is ticked.
Beautiful Betsy with wonderful baby Judah.
Asher the cute.
At this point Karl got home on his bike. He jumped right in and grabbed a baby!
Karl and Judah hung out,
So cute!
We sat around an talked, while we fed the boys.
Judah fell asleep.
We went to Great Steak for dinner, and Karl and I spit at Brown Cow. Coke with vanilla ice cream and chocolate.
At this point mom and Malia arrived, and the laughs never ended!
Right after the food arrived, Rachel and John arrived!
After dinner we all went back to our place. Malia had a stack of old papers. This is one of the best offerings. I think the “F” is a little much! This portrait looks like Kim Jong Il.
It is Martin Luther King JR.
Apparently Betsy and Malia were trying to write a book. Most of the stories read were about themselves. One particularly hilarious one was about how much Malia loved Jordan night! So awesome!
The Professor and Boopy!
Boopy and Karl played magic the gathering as the rest of us watch Harry Potter, then Happy Endings. After the boys were down, and Mom and Malia left, we played 80’s scene it.
Hooray for some freedom, here is to more days with Family!
Um… this post made me even more sad that I missed the reunion and getting to see all of you! I loved all the pictures, especially of those adorable twins.