This morning the day finally came. We all piled into the Honda towards Soldiers Hollow out side of Midway, near Heber.
The morning was cool, and we were ready to go!
We couldn’t believe all the things that we saw:
A huge slip and slid at the top of one of the hills
Water spraying everywhere, getting the mud ready for us, as well as big climbing walls.
There were also lots of people in teams, dresses up to show their unity.
One of the coolest: Team Zissou
People dressed as super heros and others as Mario and Luigi. There was even a middle aged man dressed as a bright pink Unicorn with a purple horn.
There was a heat every 20 min. We were in the second heat at 9:20. The first part was the absolute hardest. It was climbing up a steep hill that was 8 inches deep of soft mud.
There were haybails, and big tubs to crawl through, there were of course many climbing walls:
Here we are after nearly an hour of slopping through the mud:
at this point the mud on our leggings was dry. It looked like lizard skin. We came down the slip and slid, which was the funnest part. We bounched and slid, and the clean-ish water was nice after all the mud. But there was one last test for us:
Yes, that is my face:
They had cold showers for us after all was said and done. We soaked ourselves in an effort to get all the dirt and debris, and rocks, and bits out of our hair, and our ears, and our shoes. My socks and under were permanently stained. They are all a light tan now. Here I am trying to clean out my shoes:
These are my black and white checkered vans, no longer white anymore. They did have a hole in the toe, which made it easier to get the rocks out at least.
We drove home in our wet cloths, and when we got home we rolled up our spandex to find that we still had a lot of stuff to take care of:
You can see the rocks all stuck in Krysta’s tights.
It was so much fun, we are totally doing it again next year. The boys even want to do it next time.
Andrew and Jenn were there, although you probably wouldn't have recognized them all covered in mud! It looks like fun? Hmmm. Not too sure!