That’s right peeps.
My favorite celebration of the year had come and gone:
The Third Annual Abe Lincoln Eat off!
It was his 202nd birthday this year, bringing the same things that you have come to be used to.
Including handmade badges:
The man himself, I love him.
This years badges, mostly repeats, but still solid.
Usually we use hand made top hats, but this year I broke down and bought a hat and beard.
We of course became a bike gang and road over to the restaurant.
Krysta and the Karen were of course in attendance.
Logan, Zac, Even todd all the way from Seattle with his brother Kevin.
Logan made it down from SLC!
Brotherly love, it is expressed in funny ways sometimes.
The food challenge was the same this year as in years prior:
The Sensuous Sandwich 24 inch Challenge!
Karen and I were REALLY excited!
Our pics were still up from the event from the past two years.
We brought our shirt, and got our free drinks, for life. The prize for the victors.
Karl and I were not planning on taking the challenge this year. I was just planing on documenting and judging.
When it became apparent that no one was planning on doing it, we had to.
Leland and his fiance jumped in last minute too!
The Whitmore brothers still loving on each other.
Kevin and Todd, whimped out.
Geoff and Jessie!
Karen ready with her coupon.
Last year double meat, this year, lots of meat and not holding back on the veggies.
The faces of winners!
Oh wait, did I mention that Krysta has NEVER attempted the challenge before!
Like a good friend, she decided that she would partake!
Karl didn’t want his cut this year, just one big piece of bread.
It was bigger than I remembered, it felt as heavy as one on my premie nephews.
I chose salty pastrami, like an idiot. Word to the wise, next time you do an massive eating challenge, choose a mild meat.
In the end, Krysta, Leland, Karl, and I did it!
Yes, I did vomit, but it was only after it was all in my body. 26.03…
Year three!
Bellies really full, and hearts saddened by the sick feelings in our bodies we road home

Yesterday we got gyros that I contend weighed as much as Judah. I didn't finish mine.
Yipes. Never again! I can't believe that was year 3 I can't wait for next year!! Also amazing pics. This is one of my favorite picture posts especially the one of you and Ren!