Ward Campout!

Karl and I are not what you would call, “out of door sleepers.” We enjoy being out of doors, biking, hiking and the like. Despite all of that, we both enjoy sleep far too much to eagerly miss any in a single night of camping. We make an exception once or twice a year. We, of course, went bike camping with Krysta and Zac earlier this summer. We had been looking forward to this weekend’s ward camp out all summer. Bishop had advertised amazing food and some good times. I was out of sorts and really sick, so we almost didn’t go. Last minute we decided to go ahead and do it, why not, it should be fun right? Krysta and I drove up with sister Englehardt.
This is sister Englehardt. She is really awesome.
After some really rough roads, we made it. The site was really amazing.
We spent the first little while setting up our tents.
Ours is the one on the left. You can’t really see it but like I said, I put a lot of value in a good nights sleep. There is a queen sized air matress, two sleeping bags zipped together, two down pillows, 2 down blankets, 2 fleece blankets and two quilts. I am a princess. I know.
Speaking of princesses-isn’t Karen so cute?
As part of the fun of the camp out there was a shooting range. Several members of our ward have many guns, it turns out. I just didn’t have a ton of exposure to guns as a kid, and then there was that incident where a kid at school was killed in a gun accident. Needless to say, they scare me, so I stayed away at first. Krysta went up and wanted to shoot so I went with her for a while. There was a serious set of rules for the gun range, which made me feel a little safer.
They are taped up to the port-a-potty that was brought out there by our loving and considerate bishop.
This is Jason Payne. Karl home taught his family. Apparently he is into guns. He was the range master and totally into it. He kept everyone safe and would yell at anyone who was even pushing the rules, which I appreciated. As someone who really didn’t know the rules very well, yes he might have yelled at me. Ask my mom, I was never very good at following directions, especially when you have to read them.
Krysta jumped right in! Doesn’t she look so cute, all surrounded buy shotgun shells?
After playing with guns, we explored the area. There was a cute little stream near by. It produced a pleasant noise.
Our bishop showed up like 3 days early to make sure we all got that spot.
The fire was started, the tinfoil covered corn was in the fire.
We sat around the fire, and I noticed that Karen had already been having the time of her life.
Just check out those knees. Remember the days?
Bishop started cooking hours earlier. He cooked three or four deep fried turkey’s, and one very well cooked dutch oven turkey.
Look at this golden crunchy delicious turkey…beautiful.
This is our hard working bishop, on the job. I think he had a lot of fun doing it. I think.
Tender and delicious on the inside.
While we waited for dinner, babies appeared out of nowhere. This one with our friend Robert, who is also in the bishopbric, whose wife actually had a baby the next day. This is him , getting ready to be a dad.
ok, yeah, cute baby, now look closer at his sleeve. Yikes.
This is Torrance. I know right?
This is Jacen. He looks like a cabbage patch dolly. So cute.
Why wouldn’t I need to have a baby after being in this ward for two years!
After hours of anticipation, dinner was finally ready, and then Karl finally arrived. I made sure to save him a big ol’ leg. I think he liked it.
For dessert, among other things they had apples for us to roast. After you peel off the charred skin, it is actually really good!
Once we had stuffed ourselves to the rafters, Karl wanted to go back over to the shooting range. He wanted a shot, with the shotgun.
He is so cute.
I decided to give it a go. I needed to go slowly though. I started by handling the .22 bullets. They were so little, even if I shot myself in the foot, it couldn’t be too bad.
Like all things, I needed lots of explanation.
After lots of aiming, prompts and encouragement, I was ready.
I shot a gun. I didn’t really like it.
The evening was great. We had a really nice fireside and lots of great conversations with friends from the ward. At the end of the night I snuggled up in our fluffy little cave and actually didn’t have the worst night’s sleep of my life.
The next morning we got up with this as a view:
So cute!
When she finally woke up:
Krysta and Karen, looking cute!
While Krysta finished cleaning up, we took Karen over to get some breakfast. I love these pictures. In the first one, Karen is pouting about her muffin. In the second, she realized Karl was mimicking her. In the third one she is trying not to smile.
Who needs their own baby when your best friend has such a sweet and cute one.
Turns out that camping isn’t so bad, as long as you pack well, don’t have to worry about food, and have good friends in tow.

4 thoughts on “Ward Campout!

  1. I will share Ren with you always! She love you guys so much….but not more than me! Thanks for encouraging me to go camping. I heart you sooo soooooooooo much!

  2. See all that I am missing being in hot old El Centro!!!!
    Love those sandals Allie!! They are the bomb!!! Karen is getting sooo big!!!!

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