Vine-Ripened and Delicious

I can unequivocally say that this has been the worst week of my life. Now, some may argue that I would have a really hard time quantifying, or even qualifying that statement as compared to what exactly and so on; but I stand by it. Right now, no satisfaction comes from reflecting on the memory of the week. I hope I never have another week resembling the events and emotions experienced therein, ever again.
Having said that I have been blessed with a few really amazing things. A wonderful husband who loves me, KRYSTA-a true blue friends that loves me more than I deserve, and garden fresh tomatoes.
The tomato plants were FINALLY ready for picking this week!!
Aren’t they beautiful? They look like they are about to explode at any moment.
They look so red in this picture, because they are amazing and delicious and vine ripened.
My Karl. I love him so much. Over 30 pounds lost. Doesn’t he look great?
Krysta and I love to make salsa with our garden tomatoes. So we got together and made some. We tried a new method this year. Krysta hates onion chunks and I hate cilantro chunks. We all like big tomato chunks, however, so we came up with a genius method of salsa making. We put the onion and garlic through the food processor, then the cilantro through, then the jalapeno. We put each ingredient in its own bowl, then with lime juice and tomato handy, mixed each jar to our own special tastes. Some jars were really spicy, some really onion-y. It was really fun and super good.
Krysta, me, and Karl.
The hardest part, of course, is the tomato cutting. It smelled so good in the kitchen though, no one seemed to notice the hour we spent cutting at all.
Different sizes from different people.
We jarred up the finished product in Krysta’s old peanut butter jars. They were clean, don’t worry!
Karl and I cut up a few avocados and mixed them in with the salsa. It was just like this really great stuff we ate at a taco shop in mexico once with Branny and Leah. SO good!
Hooray for delicious fresh from the garden produce. Maybe it is the vitamin C, but it always makes me happier. Last weekend Krysta, Zac, Karen, Karl and I went to the park next to our house and had a tomato sandwich picnic. It was something I will always remember. We all just walked over with a blanket, tomatoes picked 10 minutes earlier, some laughing cow cheese and whole wheat bread. We ate to our hearts’ content and just lay in the grass talking. Ahh, summer time in Provo. Thank you tomatoes for lifting my spirits. Thank you Krysta for being such a wonderful friend and always being willing to have fun with me. Thanks to you Karl for being my boyfriend, even when I am mean and crabby.

5 thoughts on “Vine-Ripened and Delicious

  1. Pipps, you just are the most specialist person! I am so glad we can live by each other and be best friends. I think the Lord knew we would need each other so much this summer. I just heart you so much!

  2. Allie, I too am grateful for all of those above mentioned things. It is a comfort to know that my little girl has such wonderful people at her back. I agree…Ah summer in Provo… I miss it more than I can say.

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