There is this really awesome park in Provo. It’s called Rock Canyon Park. It sits at the base of the opening of rock canyon, and I think that it is built as some kind of drainage flood protector for the canyon. There are movies in the park there during the summer and it is the best sledding in the city during the winter. Here’s Krysta in standing on top of the rim of the “bowl.” It is like a huge bowl with steep sides and a 12 foot rim for people to gather on. It is really cool.
The park was crowded, but it is so big it wasn’t a problem. There was supposed to be a ward activity there but we couldn’t find people from the ward. So we just found some nice powdery snow. The boys were just really excited to take the ski bike out again.

If you could hear Karl he would be saying, “weeeee!” 🙂
Zac, here, taking a moment before take off…
Karl made it! The worst part of sledding was climbing up the hill.
Karl wanted to get a faster ride so he went down the other side.
One of the funnest parts of the day was watching Krysta and Karen. They were so cute! Krysta is such a great mom. I love to watch her with Karen, she is most happy when she is having fun with Karen. You can see it in her face.
At one point Zac went to see if he could find the group. Karl found a jump, and well, you will see.
Yeah, we were having a good time.
Oh, and Krysta finally got a chance to take the bike down.
She was OK, she loved it. It was quite the rush!
Don’t worry. I had some fun too!
Zac found the ward and we had chili and hot chocolate for lunch, well Karl had some chips and cheese.
The ski bike is the coolest! It looks like a blast! Love the pics of Krysta and Karen. Soooo sweet! Wish I was there!!!!