Here we go! It’s significant to say, this is the first time we are kenneling Luna, and looking at this image, I am worried, she is clueless. I love her so much.

I litter felt like I reenacting this scene from the Fox and the Hound.
We drove out after work, had dinner in Green River, and went to bed at the Hotel.
Our plan was to meet Krysta in Goblin Valley Saturday afternoon. So we were up first thing, headed out on adventure. Over the last year, I found out that there is a town in Utah called Hite. It’s really in the middle of NO WHERE, but we were near enough, so we thought we would give it a go. We made our way down the road to our first over look of Hite Crossing.

Karl, looking out.

Out in the distance, there is a bridge that crosses the river.

Using a timer we were able to get a shot of us all together.

The canyons were very cool, and there was a layer of rock that white and pock marked that looked like it had been dug out by birds. Then we found the sign to the town of Hite.

We made it to Hite Outpost. That was really all that was there. This is part of Glen Canyon, which is actually where Lake Powell is. Who knew?

We checked out the shop. The only thing with Hite on it was this locally made beef jerky. So we bought some. It was delicious. We got a map, and planned out a few more stops before we would meet up with the Whitmores.

There was really only one more building in the area, and so we had to take pictures with any sign that said Hite.

As hot as we already were, there were loads of beautiful dessert flowers everywhere.

As we got back into the car, we saw these cutie pie lizards. They were doing little push ups.

With our destination picked, we headed out to find a canyon hike on the, eating our jerky all the way.

Back over the Hite crossing bridge.