With some trepidation, and anxiety, we found our way to our first trailhead. It was clearly marked, and even had big paviolions and picnic benches at the entrance. It was clear where we were supposed to start, but once on the trail, things were a little hazy. The trail was called Hog Spring. It was clear why by the time we went very far.

The canyon had more of these holes in the cliffs, and the trail was made of powdery soft dirt that poofed up as you walked on it. We were all covered in dust before too long.

The cliff’s weren’t stable, so while Karl clambered up, the kids and I watched from below.

We saw bunches of the lizards from Glen Canyon, and if we hadn’t been introduced earlier, I would have been nervous, but this guy was a long as my arm, and just sat there doing push ups.

As we slowed down, we noticed different colors in the crumbling canyon. Yellows and greens along with the pinks and the reds. One good storm feels like it would destroy this whole place.

The spring part of this hike was never photographed. It was a seemingly stagnate stream that runs through the whole canyon. Our feet, and shins were covered in muddy water by the time we got out of there. It was SO hot, that I was ready to be done. So before Karl was done, we headed back. I had premade sandwiches with the kids at the picnic tables while we waited for Karl who had gone on a little extra exploring on the hike back out.
Back in the car, the kids drank about a gallon of water each, and cooled off in the AC.
Karl had read about one more slot canyon that was only about a mile to get to from the trailhead. The problem was, it was still getting hotter. We figured there would be shade in the slot canyon, so it should be alright. The hike was called Leprechaun Canyon. After about 10 minutes of hiking, we could see how it got it’s name:

What looks like a bust of a little face sits high above the trail.

The deeper in we got, the sandier and softer, and therefore harder for everyone to walk. Lucas was getting a little overwhelmed, so we took turns carrying him.

We found some shade, and the kids were thrilled to take a break.

After coming through a little forest of stick trees, we found ourselves in the tiny slot canyon.

The canyon got very narrow very quickly. We had drunk most of our water, and we too a NICE LONG break in the shade.

It was truly lovely, and hypnotic, and cool, and fresh in there. We got to a point where Lucas was the only one who was small enough to go on, and we had to stop, for fear he would get stuck.


It felt like the Labyrinth in there, it was hard to perceive depth.

The kids tell us all about it.
HIYA!! I was there too!

Out of the canyon, there was big rock formations to climb on and get a better view from. It was the most solid ground we had been on since we started the hike.

With a clear idea of what lay ahead at the point, we practically ran back to the car. The kids were absolutely melting by the time we got back. We had more water at the car, snacks, and mostly importantly: Shade and A/C.

We had a bout a little more than an hour drive ahead of us to make it to Goblin Valley.
In that time, we passed the Hollow Mountain. Got a HUGE rock chip in our window. and began to see formations that looked like the Hoodoos we were about to visit.

The kids were tried, and passing out by the time we got tot he entrance of the park.

Blessedly, afternoon clouds had rolled in, and made everything so much cooler.