Brandon and Leah were almost all moved in. They just needed a mattress. They had looked all over the place and had given up for the day. We met them at the farmers market for lunch. (Where Leah bought the BFG some snozzcumbers.)We parted ways, and Karl and I biked home. On our way we saw a sign for a yard sale. We like to yard sale it up, so we took the short detour and long story short, we found them a mattress. It was right down their street too, so it was just a matter of 4 blocks.
Wow Karl, Moving two Pipkins in less than two weeks. What an ordeal! The good news is that it probably won't happen again any time soon. At least I hope so.
The mattress looks similar to the move with the couch and the clothes hanger. That was fun
Dude, where are you all my life. Ren has been to your house everyday this week and sat outside your door to see you! Call us or something. We miss you and hope you had a great anniversary!
PS: the KP comment was posted by Wendy. For some reason, the computer was on Krystin's gmail and when I posted it put her name. Bummer.