Just a quick update on the progress of our garden. Everything continues growing. Well, not everything. We have pulled out the snow peas and green beans. It was getting too hot for them. The cucumber plant is still flourishing. We have zucchini by the truck load, and the yellow squash is doing OK. The egg plant is not doing so great owing to a few factors. First, our down stairs neighbors have an exhaust from their A/C unit that blows warm air right on to them all the time. Also, they are being shrouded by the tomato plants. Our tomato plants are doing amazingly.We pick fresh tomatoes nearly every day, and between Krysta and I there is plenty. There are so many tomatoes just starting to grow, I can’t believe how fast they are coming these days. Our Carrots are getting huge. Today Karl and I couldn’t help but pick one.
Wow. Everything looks as good as you told us the other night.