Krysta’s Birthday Week

My best buddy Krysta had a birthday this week, and so we spent as much time together as we could celebrating! Monday night we went out together as a family. She wanted to do Teppanyaki, and so we did. We had delicious steakm, and noodles, and rice and veggies. It was great except that Karen was feeling a little under the weather.

After dinner we went to our house, and had cupcakes with 39 candles. Zac went to a bakery that had delicious gluten free cupcakes, so Krysta could have just what she wanted.

The also got some delicious treats for us too.

Karen stayed with the kids and we headed out to play Top Golf. While we waited to play we went and played a round of Bowling! Graham and Sarah were there. It was really wonderful to see them.

After an hour and a half, our turn arrived at Top Golf. We had a blast hitting balls and laughing at each other. I was the only one who did a really bad job.

I love this girl so stinking much!

We asked our server to take our picture, and she as happy to ablisge, as well as giving us some silly signs to hold while we did.

Krysta’s actual day arrived on Thursday. She had been dealing with some pretty awful news from home, and coming to terms with her dad’s illness. We spent the morning talking about everything, then we went and got Sushi for lunch. It was SO good. I had somethign that was called monkey brains. It was a tempura whole avocado, stuffed with crab salad and tobiko on top. It was incredible.

Krysta and Karen came over for dinner and we made rice paper wraps. They had shrimp and avocado and cucumber and vermicelli and carrots and lettuce. It was very very delicious. We has yummy peanut dipping sauce and it was just lovely.

After dinner we headed over to the Orem Rec Center.

Lucas had his last day of climbing, and was happy to be there.

The rest of the gang went swimming together. We had a hilarious time playing Marco Polo. We had a ball.

After all that fun , we went to Krysta’s favorite place for dessert, Share Tea. The kids played checkers and Krysta and I gabbed.

I love this girl so much. She is my best best best friend. I am so glad that she was born.

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