Math, Art, and Pizza Night

Now that COVID numbers in Utah county are going down, things are looking up for everyone! Including the school. The kids have officially stopped wearing masks at school, and there was even a full community event at the school. Math and Art Night. It was the first day of Kindness week too.

The kids were really excited to show us all of their art projects.

This kid! This face! What a talent! What a beauty!

THIS kid! THIS face! What a master, what a looker!

After we saw all of their projects, we headed to the classrooms to do grade level math activities. Here we are in Lucas’s class, measuring things.

Then we went to Mirah’s room, and did a math Jenga game. I think her teacher thought we were nuts.

We went and got pizza for dinner, then walked home together. It was a pretty great night.

Did I mention I love this kid?

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